Exam with Luca Capuano (Tear: Matteo Guidi)
Year I | MA Photography
I semester - 2023
“San Benedetto/Pesaro. Andata e ritorno”
Progetto vincitore di “Strategia Fotografia 2022”
Senigallia, Rocca Roveresca

With each transformation of the system that causes an energy transfer (obviously without adding more energy from the outside), the entropy increases, because the balance can only grow. The entire universe can also be considered a 'system' and then the conclusion is: even in the cosmos energy tends to be distributed from the warmer to the less hot bodies and the entropy increases.
When the whole universe is at the same temperature, the entropy will be maximum and no transformation will be possible anymore.
Following these scientific considerations I decided to enclose them and define them in a visual form, schematizing it in an exercise achieved by us. I made twenty shots, of which I inserted only those of greater degree and value, directing the eaven always towards the northeast, towards the sea. The value of this seriality is due to the constant presence of water, a conceptual and real element, which as a compass is the synonym of the direction of the entire process, remembering at all times the reference point, not only as a method of orienting oneself, but as an imminent and ubipresent symbol, which between one state and another, returns in a constant way, maintaining its state of balance.In this serialization it is essential not only the direction precisely, but the presence of the sea, to such an extent that the development itself is realized using two liters of water collected during the shots.Blur the distinction between land line And sea line, between emulsion and light, bringing everything to a common denominator, but not to the indefinable, at a common temperature, although too far from being normal, is the attempt of the elaborate.
Over time the salt accumulates on the films, to the point of ruining them in an indefinite way, like the landscapes I have visited, erod more and more by our interaction.
Excerpt from a project made for the exam for Professor Luca Capuano, for a class exercise together with the second year of the master's degree, as inserts during the exhibition CAMERE CON VISTA “San Benedetto/Pesaro. Andata e ritorno”.

The aim of “Camere con vista. San Benedetto/Pesaro. Andata e ritorno” is commissioning photographic works for public heritage; the project is promoted by the Association Demanio Marittimo km-278, the Gabinetto Fotografico Nazionale of the ICCD and ISIA Urbino. On display are works by authors Luca Capuano, Paola De Pietri, Pierluigi Giorgi, and Alessio Ballerini, engaged in different paths and researches, between documentary-type approaches and artistic looks with a strong experimental content, but all united by the reflection on landscape as a central theme of study, attention and formal reflection. The experience was also the focus of design workshops for ISIA Urbino students, led by Luca Capuano and Paola De Pietri and Leonardo Sonnoli.
Progetto di allestimento a cura di / exhibition design: Andrea Tabocchini Architecture
Foto di / Pics by: Martina Simonato
camereconvista@dmkm278 lucacapuano__