WIP 38
Workshop with Erik Kessels (Tear: Matteo Guidi)
Year II | MA Photography
I semester - 2023
22 September – 29 October 2023
Castelfranco Veneto, Villa Parco Bolasco, Scuderie

Starting from a selection of volumes that make up the exhibition INDEX NATURAE, as part of a workshop organized at the ISIA U in Urbino – Specialized Course in Photography – twenty-two students have worked on the creation of an ideal book of books. Referring explicitly to the dictionary to investigate different aspects of nature, the students' works interpret a large terminological universe to arrive at the identification of a series of categories elaborated in the form of images. A careful study of the images and the analog potential offered by the archives has therefore led to the setting up of new sequences and the processing of editing processes organized in the form of a booklet.
A-Acqua Beatrice Vincenti
B-Buio / C-Cecità Arianna Mattietti
D-Dimora Gennaro Mungiguerra
E-Esistere Marco Gennari
F-Fantasma Giorgia Rinaldi
G-Genealogia Sofia Cambiaggio
H-Hertz / J-Joule Eros Gaspardo
I-Industria Michela del Longo
K-Ka Alida Lardini
L-Limite Nicole Marchi
M-Meteora Lorenzo Urgesi
N-Numero Francesco Gaviano
O-Origine Alessia Pagotto
P-Polvere Aurora Palmerini
Q-Quid Dario D’Alessio
R-Rifugio Francesco Gaviano
S-Sostanza Marta Vultaggio
T-Trapiantare Giulia Zoia
U-Uovo Andrea Valzania
V-Veleno Gaia Credentino
W-Wolf-Rayet Alexander Dimitrios Papadopulous
X-X-Ray / Y-Yard Michele Virgili
Z-Zona Davide Piro

“Wolf-Rayet” elaborate designed for the workshop